I switched to all natural cleaning agents for my home. Making the choice to stop using chemical products happened about 4 years ago when I was asked to write an article about how environmental toxins can cause early puberty. Of course we hear about the good old vinegar, baking soda or lemon as cleaning agents for the home, but mixing them together or using essential oil cleaning recipes make better disinfectants and natural cleaning agents.
There are so many useful tips on the web and amazing effective recipes for natural cleaning agents for the home and I decided to put them all together for you.
Sofa or Bed Mattress Cleaner You will need 1 cup of baking soda, 10 drops of your favorite oil like eucalyptus, lavender, clove, rosemary or thieves essential oil, a mason jar, a flour sifter. Put baking soda into the mason jar and ad 10 drops of essential oil. Vigorously shake the mason jar so the oil is well-distributed throughout the baking soda. Using a sifter, scatter the baking soda mixture onto your bed mattress and let it sit for an hour. Vacuum the baking soda powder off your mattress. Baking soda is known to absorb odor, it has a drying effect and is a potent cleaning agent. Your essential oil can add fragrance, and disinfect the mattress while killing any dust mites if you choose eucalyptus or tea tree oil.
Homemade grease cleaner spray Who would have thought that natural cleaning agents can take care of gross oil and residue? You will need 1 3/4 cups of distilled water, 2 tbsp of castile soap , 20 drops of orange essential oil for a fresh kitchen scent. Combine all of these ingredients into a bottle with a spray nozzle and use this to de grease and clean your kitchen. Distilled water will make your home-made cleansers last longer. Castile soap which is vegetable based will clean and disinfect. Orange essential oil is a disinfectant. It is also known to remove sticky residue.
Natural toilet scrub cleaner The bathroom is probably one room that you must clean everyday. Millions of germs are lurking and get spread with one single flush of the toilet. When we do not clean, the germs accumulate and can stain thus a hefty cleanser is needed. Here’s what you will need..
- 1/2 cup baking soda
- 1/3 cup liquid dishwashing soap
- 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide
- 30 drops eucalyptus essential oil
- 3/4 cup water
Mix together in a squeeze bottle then simply spray into your toilet bowl and let it stand for 20 minutes before brushing and rinsing. Make sure you soak and wash your toilet scrub brush before storing.
I love soft scrub and how they effectively clean surfaces. I use them for the kitchen and bathroom sink, the stove top and kitchen counter. Combine the following ingredients:
- 1 cup baking soda
- 1/4 cup liquid castile soap
- 10 drops lemon essential oil
- 10 drops lime essential oil
- 10 drops wild orange essential oil
Keep this is a mason jar pot and simply put about 2 tablespoons so you can scrub it onto your surface with a rag. You will enjoy how sparkly everything will be after cleaning.
While we are on the topic of cleaning, may I ask you what system you used to keep your home clean? How often do you get to clean neglected and forgotten parts of the house like the top of your wardrobe closet or your aircon filters and the blades of your ceiling fan? I developed a system which enables you to get your entire house clean throughout the month by following a few simple tasks each day. Since you do it on a regular basis, you are assured that every inch of your house is regularly cleaned! I have been following this system for years and for those of you who have household help that come and go, this monthly cleaning system assures that the tasks are listed out without you having to explain everything in detail. Check out this blog post for more information on my Ultimate Monthly Cleaning Schedule.
Do you have your own favorite natural cleaning recipes? What essential oils do you like to put? Here is another site that is very easy to use. She has all the recipes for cleaning sprays and even offers free printables for your spray bottles! Check it out and happy cleaning!!
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