We all want to live in a beautiful home but not everyone knows how to create it. Making your home beautiful does not mean you have to do a complex renovation, sometimes it is learning to make do with simple decorating and remodeling. It may not happen as quick as you would want it to but embracing the months it may take to get there, and learning to enjoy the little projects you newly install will be enough to make you smile. As a mom and interior stylist and product stylist of my own company I have busy days. I home school my kids in the mornings, have brunch with my husband, sneak in some computer work, then maybe go to a series of meetings and errands in the afternoon. It gets hectic but I am DETERMINED to keep my home neat and beautiful. Patience and accepting the present then dreaming and executing is the key.
This is why I created the hashtag #inspiredhomeliving. It is my desire to motivate YOU and challenge you to live a better home life. Get out of that crazy cluttered home situation and take charge of your house!
I knew I wanted to inspire people to love their home and make it beautiful, but the reason behind this belief came to life and thus #inspiredhomeliving was born. I believe that a beautiful home lessens stress, and improves relationships. #inspiredhomeliving is what this is all about.. I want to inspire and motivate people to make their homes beautiful so that they live a better life. Beauty may be different for one person and another style for the other but what is important is that you create a NEAT home that YOU love. It begins with simplifying and de- cluttering.. something we can all learn, then it is followed by intention and creation. #inspiredhomeliving is a realization of what makes you happy, the little things that are beautiful to you, and the desire to create them for your home. It need not be expensive, it can be effortless yet meaningful. It won’t happen in a day or a week for most but that is where the fun begins. Embrace the process of simplifying your life, getting rid of clutter, and seeing the beauty in your home. Watch and see your spirits rise.. your husband will be happier and your children will want to stay home!
Are you up for the challenge? Here’s what you can do to start..
- Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/marilenstyles/
- Challenge yourself to join the weekly #inspiredhomeliving challenge by posting a photo of the weekly theme and adding the #inspiredhomeliving hashtag.
- Sign up to my blog and get THE COMPLETE HOME MANUAL to help you organize your home.
- Stay tuned, will be sharing lots of valuable tips for you on topics like de-cluttering, spring cleaning, organizing and styling the home.
Happy home making! Inspired? Pin This..
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