Have you thought about why you should help save animals and how you can be involved? There have been so many things going on like the recent Amazon Forest fire and the current Australian bushfires. We here about this in the news and perhaps because we are not directly affected, we do not realize that we must be concerned. These fires emit hazardous air and kill tons of trees that we all know give us fresh air to breathe. Then there are all the wild life killed during these fires. Aside from these natural calamities that kill numerous wild life, there are acts of human cruelty like poaching and destroying of coral reefs.

The fate of the mountain gorillas hit rock-bottom in 1981. They were confined to a central African small mountain range since humans encroached on their natural habitat. With constant poaching, their number plummeted to 250. With such a number, all of them would fit inside a Boeing plane.
Today, their population looked a lot better. Though they are still considered endangered, their population grew by 300%. Thanks to the conservation efforts of various groups, the mountain gorillas were saved. The effort of cause-oriented groups like those manufacturing animal hats is one of the main reasons why endangered animals are still safe in their environments. Despite the cost of conservation, they still push through saving one animal at a time.
The Cost of Conservation
Whether it is the coral reefs, California condors, pandas, tigers, a significant part of the earth’s wildlife is in danger.
Despite this worrying and numbing fact, not all nations and governments are on board in pursuing conservation efforts. Some would argue that people do not depend on these animals, so there is no point in spending millions of dollars to preserve them.
Some governments are also hesitant to go on a full-on mission to save these endangered species because of the staggering costs involved. A 2012 study revealed that around $76 billion per year is needed to preserve these endangered land animals. If you include threatened marine species, it will cost even more.
Increasing Extinction Rate
Over the past century, the animal’s extinction rates significantly increased despite such efforts as selling animal hats, conserving coral reefs, and repairing animal’s natural habitat.
The even sadder truth is the extinction of species is faster now. A study revealed that the extinction rate rose more than a hundred times over the last century. On top of that, the study further revealed that humans seem to be the reason behind such an increase.
Why should men save these animals?
Men caused the extinction of these animals. By that fact alone, the argument that man should save animals is justified.
For some, they work to keep nature safe because the ecosystem gives useful things like particular medicines. If plants extinct, where will man find a cure for cancer? Also, if plants will all be gone, where will people get oxygen? If all the animals go extinct, where will people get food? These are practical reasons why some people are propelled to save animals.
Then again, more than such reasons, charities and cause-oriented groups work hard to save these endangered creatures simply because they want to.
More people love the natural world than those who cause damage to it. Thinking of animals and their natural habitat is plainly fascinating for them. Scuba-diving in coral reefs, walking in the old forest’s dappled sunlight are manifestations of their love for nature.
Some people brush off the issue of animal extinction because they are not directly affected by it yet. Some also attempt to save nature because they believe people benefit from it. However, if you stop thinking of nature as something made for man, you will realize that peaceful co-existence between nature and man is the best conservation effort the world can do.
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