I recently read an article entitled “Confessions of An Organized Mess”. It was about how social media is an allusion and how mommy blogs are all curators of “awesome”. Yes we do read about pretty lives and see beautiful pictures. I for one may be accused of this but I will be the first to say that writing on my blog and producing pretty photos on Instagram is something that uplifts me! There is a moment of bliss in that somewhat stressful day when I can blog and get lost in beautiful things. That brief moment when I compose a photo for Instagram..
I have written about a couple of imperfect days too. Like my post about Time Management and how I needed room to breathe or my post entitled My Hectic Week and How I don’t Get Things Done. What is my point and why am I writing about this? I guess I just want to emphasize on something that we at 100% Wholemom believe in.. that we should all strive for wholeness and not perfection because no one is really perfect and no one can be whole apart from God.
I must admit that when I see Instagram accounts of moms with more than 2 children but who’s photos seem like they really have none, I do remember that she may have her own struggles too. Perhaps her photos look beautiful but her shirt sleeves are covered with baby’s spit up.. I tend to envy bloggers who have made it big and still manage to homeschool and have a gorgeous home, then I remember that envy is a sin and that maybe that mom has a pile of dishes waiting to be washed. So next time you look at seemingly perfect blogs, remember that they are there to inspire and uplift you. Accept it and embrace it as encouragement and your brief moment of delight for the day where you can get lost and be inspired. Allow it to uplift you and drive you to be a better person, instead of focusing on what you are not. After all it is about striving to be whole one day at a time and not perfect!
The author of the article I mentioned above said “While I can make mediocrity look like an Olympic sport in some areas of my life, I’m pretty awesome in others. Because the truth is, everyone’s awesome at SOMETHING. That’s true for me. And it’s true for you.” You can read the article here. Have a great day moms! Got strive to be whole and remember you are awesome!
I totally agree in what you said… Beautiful things make me inspired and happy. Its not about being false or fake if someone is recreating an instagram-worthy picture. I am a mom of an active one-year old and anothe one on the way. We know the truth about motherhood and it can be messy. But creating a beautiful photo or post uplift people and that is good, not something to be hated.