Have you thought about gift wrapping ideas for the holidays and have you considered making use of recycled paper to help save the earth? I had to wrap a few Christmas gifts this week and instead of using brand new gift wrapping paper, I recalled all the gorgeous gifts I saw on Pinterest which were ever so creatively wrapped. Tons of trees are cut down and needed to make new paper, printing makes use of energy and the amount of gift wrappers that end up in waste after the holidays will be crazy. It’s perfectly ok to use old, ordinary paper like past magazines, newspaper, craft paper from kids’ projects and old calendars! Other ideas include pages of books, music books with notes, vintage maps and more. Here are a few ideas to inspire you today.
Magazine Sheets or Newspaper make great gift wrappers! Using printed paper tape or washi tape and adding ribbons and other accessories make it come to life.

Old magazine paper from Reading My Tea Leaves
I love this photo from Humphrey and Grace! Too pretty for words, I would love to get a present creatively wrapped with scrap fabric! Perhaps you have old table napkins that are quite stained or faded? Use them to wrap presents, decorate it with fabric paint and more!

Have you ever thought of wrapping presents with scrap fabric? What a great idea!
These boxes wrapped with stuffing paper by Agnetha is a great way to make use of what you have. With just a few ribbons, twine and decor, it can come to life.

Wrapping with old stuffing paper from your Christmas shopping is a brilliant idea!
I wrapped three present today and made use of paper from my son’s school report, old sheets from a calendar and recycled craft paper. The trick is to come up with creative ways to style the gift so that they look pretty. You can use recycled ribbon, twine, old Christmas cards and much more! Here’s a video for you to see what I made..
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