Moving out, building the house, and family health issues.. This has been my song for the past two months. I am just EXHAUSTED! Exhausted to the point that I’ve been bitter, swimming in my own self pity over how much I have to do. I’ve been so impatient with the kids, everything has just been a RUSH. I hate that word! I hate rushing! But that’s how my past weeks have been. Rushing to put them to sleep, rushing breakfast so I can homeschool them (something I look forward to and love) rushing to leave the house for work so that I can go home early and be with them.. then rushing to get them to sleep so I can rest too!
The past week was moving house. Unlike our first move, there was no strategy in this one. I was stuffing things into boxes, mentally taking note of where I put things.. miserably failing here! I had barely caught my breath, and it is Monday again.. Rushing to meet my model unit deadline. I’m walking swiftly in the malls like a headless chicken, haven’t eaten lunch and still walking frantically, buying accessories and home decor.. Still Rushing!
“I need coffee! Oh no, wait, I need to eat!” But the truth is that I need to be spirit- filled
I remember rushing this morning, not having time to read the Bible. I remember not reading the Bible and talking to God the day before that too. No wonder I am exhausted! This Sunday at church I was reminded to GO TO GOD. I knew that was the problem but being in this state of blah and in the realm of deadlines just stopped me from doing what I knew I needed to do. My life is not perfect, but that is what this blog is for.. it is my me time of unwinding, an excuse to find something inspiring, to create beauty and share true feelings. Just a few more weeks of hard work and I can breathe a little and rest longer. I can’t recall the last time I watched an actual TV show. Maybe I can curl up in bed and watch a nice series with my hubby. I also look forward to working on the blog, launching my workshops and events and just taking everything at a relaxing pace.. But before all the exciting blog work, I need to unpack and organize things in the new house, as well as finish a couple of design projects. All this in the coming weeks to come except that this time, I will do my best to start each day with God.
If you like those cool passion cards on the picture above, you may order them from Chasingdreams.
“If you are swept off your feet, it’s time to get on your knees!” I have that moment of epiphany too this week, that the more busy I am the more I should spend time with God. It’s the ONLY way our strength is restored and our minds renewed. Praying for you in this busy season, Marilen! Push lang 🙂
And thanks for link love 🙂
Thanks Rhiza!! Love the #passioncards!