The bedroom is where you rest and it is also the first thing you see every morning so it should inspire you. Without you knowing it, what you see as you wake sets the tone for your day just like how the quality of sleep you had determines your energy levels. It is important to create a bedroom that evokes inspiration and tranquility at the same time. So for most of you who may have no idea on where to start when it comes to fixing your bedroom, here are a few guidelines:
- Start by de cluttering to make more space for storage. Go through your wardrobe and discard anything you have not worn in the past year. Maybe you have some books that you need to giveaway? Old shoes that have not been worn? Go through your drawers and discard the pile of receipts lying around, stale and old makeup, costume jewelry that are no longer in style…
- Once you do a purge, you will have more space to hide the “important clutter” Ideally all the unsightly necessary things should go inside the night table leaving only the pretty decorative things like books, some essential oils, and your table lamp.

Photo via: mydomaine
3. Once your bedroom looks more neat and tidy, you can spruce things up further by investing in good bed sheets and throws for texture. Have you ever thought of why your hotel bed is always very cozy? The thread count of bed sheets determine softness. If good sleep and a pretty bedroom is priority investing in good sheets would be my most important recommended expense.

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4. Bring some life into your bedroom by bringing in some indoor plants to clean the air naturally and make things come to life.

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Join my Instagram challenge and get a chance to be featured on the MarileStyles Instagram page. Post a photo of your bedroom and use the hashtag #inspiredhomeliving for a chance to gain followers and host the next challenge with me.
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