I hope your week went better than mine. Days of fever, severe tummy pain, a trip to the emergency room then a night in the hospital two days later.. that was how my week went. It’s no fun seeing my 4 year old boy shriek in pain and panic at the sight of a needle. I secretly wished I could take his place. Then it happened! Slowly he recovered and on the first night we were in the hospital I knew it hit me! My joints hurt, and when I sheepishly asked my sons nurse to check my temperature it read 37.9. That night cramped beside my son in the hospital bed, my head hurt, and every inch of my body did too. The next morning my son needed me. He was in better spirits and the paracetamol enabled me to be mom again. I felt better but the fever stayed for another night. I was just happy to see my son smiling and be his usual curious self again. That is all that mattered. Now two nights after we get home, my daughter has a fever too. No painful tummy yet and I am praying that it never does progress but at the same time I accept that things like this happen. God still loves us!
This afternoon was chaotic, I was answering calls none stop, selecting wall paper for a project and scrutinizing furniture orders. Now the kids are asleep and I really couldn’t wait to blog. Were building a house and my favorite part is the kitchen. There are so many ways you can make your own kitchen beautiful.
First thing you should do is to clean and organize. Some things you would want to discard include:
Expired food in the refrigerator.
Food that’s been in the freezer for more than 2 months.
Old tupperwares that are tacky, not BPA free and recycled
Broken and mismatched plates and silverware.
Once you’ve done a lot of clearing, it’s time to do some deep cleaning. Start off by removing all the contents of your kitchen cabinets and drawers so you can sponge them all down. let them air dry before putting the contents back inside. Other things to clean include the refrigerator, because I am hoping you clean your microwave and toaster every day? I like to use organic products to clean the refrigerator shelves. Anything that can’t come off and get washed in the sink should be wiped with an organic spray. Because I am a weird health and neat freak, I like to use the same surface spray on other parts of my kitchen like the pantry shelves and top of kitchen cabinets if they don’t go all the way up to the ceiling.
After all the clearing and cleaning you can now style and decorate! My favorite part of course:) Here are some ways you can make your kitchen pretty:
Hoping this inspires you to get scrubbing and cleaning or supervising house help at the least:) Any other tips and tricks on cleaning your kitchen?
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