Hello everyone! For the third week of this 12 week challenge, I am going to zero in on something very important that we often neglect.. Our health! I realized the importance of this when I would always get sick. My immune system was very weak and I developed a condition shortly thereafter. My lifestyle then consisted of zero exercise, eating wheat bread daily, and working until late in the evening. Yes I thought I ate healthy but so much toxin and food intolerance build up in my system caused it to break down. What made things worse was that each time I got a bad cold or cough, I saw doctors who would bombard me with antibiotics and steroids. My gut was ruined. The microbiome in my body was compromised big time leading to an even weaker immune system and eventually a mild autoimmune condition. Thankfully I am able to work at reversing this with the help of natural medicine doctors, exercise, organic food and lots of herbs. Health is wealth! You cannot take care of your family unless you take care of yourselves ladies! Believe me, I was there and I am reaping the consequences of putting work and family over my health. Here are some things that I changed as I embark on this journey to gain my health back:
1.Exercise and make it part of your lifestyle.
Aside from the obvious weight loss and bikini body benefits, Dr. Axe , a certified chiropractor and doctor of natural medicine says regular exercise reduces our risk of heart disease, improves memory, brings better sleep and happiness, makes you less susceptible to disease and naturally makes you live longer. Here’s how I went from zero exercise to working out at least 4x a week: I just did it! Yes you know Nike’s Just Do It slogan? I just signed up for membership at a small yoga class in my condominium and eventually signed on at a yoga club. As I got stronger I eventually tried more serious workouts like zumba and tennis. I began by doing baby steps making my body stronger until I could tackle harder things. Because of my condition, my muscles and ligaments are very weak and tense. Yoga help me stretch these out and strengthens me too. I also love the hot yoga classes to help me flush all the assimilated toxins from my body.
2. Start my mornings with green juice.
Another Doctor that I follow, Dr. Mercola says that “When you drink fresh-made green juice, it is almost like receiving an intravenous infusion of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes because they go straight into your system without having to be broken down.” One of the doctors at LifeScience told me that I need to consume at least 9-10 servings of vegetables and at least 3 servings of fruit daily. That’s alot! I thought I was eating well by consuming a lot of veggies during each meal but that made only about 6 servings. They also need to be a variety of rainbow-colored vegetables so that you get a wide spectrum of benefits. If you want to get into juicing, slow juicers without a blade work best so better do your research prior to purchasing.
3. Pay attention to the quantity and quality of sleep that you get.
I used to put the kids to bed at 9 and nap with them until 11, then work on my laptop until 2 am! Holy cow, what was I thinking right! So bad. We need 8 hours of quality sleep and when you sleep past 10 pm your body does not get to repair itself. Here’s an interesting article on that. http://holistichealthlibrary.com/the-body-has-an-automatic-clock/
There are many other ways to optimize your health this year like avoiding inflammation causing food like sugar, dairy and GMO, but that’s if you are serious about making a life change. If you want more information on these comment below and I can send you some great links. Meanwhile I hope you get inspired to be a better YOU this 2017! I’m on a journey towards better health, come join me?
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